Armenia is a treasure trove for culture lovers who love to photograph. Join us!

Photogenic and unknown: Armenia is the place to be

Do you like to photograph beautiful buildings, churches, monuments you come across on your travels, but there is usually little time to photograph them properly?

Hanzebeeld is organising the culture photo trip to Armenia in 2024. You will get all the time you need to photograph fantastic places and you will get all the information you need about what you see. This makes this photo trip a combination of enjoyment, photography and getting to know a unique and mystical country.

Ga mee met de cultuur fotoreis naar Armenië! We gaan met een kleine groep enthousiastelingen en met goede, ervaren begeleiding.

The group

We only travel with small groups of minimum 3 and maximum 10 participants. This way there is plenty of time, we are flexible and can share better and more with each other. Each trip is preceded by a participant meeting.

For who?

The physical effort required will be limited. This trip is therefore suitable for young to old. What is important is that you love photography and culture and want to look a bit further than the known paths.


Are you interested and are you three people? Then we can look for a suitable date together. When a date is known and others can join as well, we will announce it here. Interested? Mail now to 

What are we going to do?

Armenia is a former Soviet country where much of the Soviets can still be found. But above all, it is the oldest Christian country. As early as 301, the country became a Christian state. Several churches from the fourth century can still be found there. We will definitely visit those. Hanzebeeld, together with Centraltour set up a well-organised programme where we visit the most beautiful and photogenic places. The trip is fully taken care of. From accommodation to meals to transport. An important element in the trip is that we really take our time to take the most unique photos at the different locations.

Only culture?

Culture is the most important part of this trip, but the country has so much beauty that we have made a good mix of it. Under discussion are nature reserves and urbex sites.

Khachkar cross stone Lake Sevan Armenia cultuur fotoreis Armenië
Field Armenia cultuur fotoreis Armenië

What does the day look like?

After waking up in our comfortable accommodation, we have breakfast and leave for the first location. We will visit different locations each day and take time for a delicious lunch. In the evening, we will be back at a different residence and review each other's best photos.

What do you bring?

Your camera (one spare camera will go with you) with extra batteries + charger, a tripod, sturdy shoes and everything else you would normally take with you.

What does it cost?

The price for the trip as offered here is €1,595 p.p.


This trip includes 8 nights' accommodation (double room, single at extra cost of €250) with 6 x breakfast, 8 x lunch (with 1 x wine tasting), 7 x dinner, hotel transfer, local transport, guidance, access to jointly visited sites and CO2 offsetting for Trees for All.

Not included

The outward and return journey, snacks, tips, personal expenses, any entry fees not jointly visited locations, travel and cancellation insurance (compulsory), GGTO guarantee fund contribution € 9,00, booking fee € 19.

Tatev monastery Armenia cultuur fotoreis Armenië
cultuur fotoreis Armenië

How does Hanzebeeld operate?

Would you like to come along and are you with 3 or more people? Then fill in the form below and we will contact you soon.

Each trip is preceded by a participant meeting in our studio and workspace in the heart of Doesburg.

9 + 8 =

Armenian guide

Hanzebeeld works together with Centraltour, the company of Nvard Melkonyan. She will be with our company throughout the trip, as will Hanseatic sculpture owner Wim Robbertsen. There will be plenty of personal guidance, if required. Nvard speaks good English, Russian and Farsi.

Experienced guide

Nvard is an amply experienced guide throughout Armenia. She is a walking encyclopaedia and knows a lot of background to what you see. From history to culture to geography and politics. She has extensive experience in guiding groups of up to 25 people.

Huge network

Sometimes it seems like Nvard knows everyone in Armenia. The fact is that she can always re-establish a line if needed.


Info? Or temporary reservation?

You can make a temporary reservation for this photo trip Armenia free of charge, provided you are a group of at least 3 people. Please email your contact details and all your other questions to Your provisional reservation is valid for 48 hours. Hanzebeeld is affiliated to GGTO guarantee fund.


Armenia is a highland country in the southern Caucasus. It was the first Christian country on earth. Many unique churches and monasteries also date from that time (from the fourth century onwards). The capital Yerevan is the bustling city where it all begins. The mix of nature and culture, along with the most hospitable people makes it an ideal holiday country.


You will find many influences in Armenian culture. The country has been alternately dominated by Persians, Mongols, Russians, etc. The Soviet Union has also added distinct elements to the current culture. The Armenians are proud of their ancient culture.


Armenia does not border a sea, but it does have several lakes, including the great Lake Sevan. From mountains of over 4,000 metres to vast empty valleys with fast-flowing rivers and natural parks... breathtaking


Because Armenia is relatively high and landlocked, humidity is not so high. Summers are hot, winters are cold. In between, it is extremely pleasant.

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Hanzebeeld is happy to provide customised services. For your friends activity, for example. Send us your question now and you will receive a quick reply.